Best Original Screenplay:
Memento – Yes I realize these are much more interesting when I criticize the Best Picture and acting winners, but overall I was quite pleasantly surprised by the winners this year. Memento was the most creative and strange movie of the year, especially that twist at the end...or was it the beginning?
Best Adapted Screenplay:
Ghost World – The only reason A Beautiful Mind picked up this award is because it was going to win Best Picture, it got caught up in the sweep that never happened. Ghost World's writers did the impossible, they created a wonderful, memorable, well written, interesting movie out of a comic book. That's more than I'll be able to say about the writers of the upcoming Spiderman. Note: I now apologize for this comment...Spiderman was really cool!
Best Foreign Film:
Amelie (France) – Granted I haven't seen all the movies, but I know people who have. Amelie was an amusing emotional and unique picture well deserving of an Academy Award. Also, who ever heard of a foreign film getting so many noms and not winning this category. (Although maybe I'm biased because if this had won, I would have won the pool!)
Best Cinematography:
Moulin Rouge – Okay, so the camera work made my friend's mom nauseous, but I loved it. This movie may not have had a shot at Best Picture, but it deserved recognition for its innovative camera work and mise-en-scene.
Documentary Short Subject:
"Artists And Orphans" – Who cares about "Thoth"?